Marvel's X-MEN |
One of our favorite topics is of course the X-Men making their Marvel Cinematic Universe debut. We're all waiting for the X-Men to debut and it looks like they're going to start to make their appearances starting in Phase 4 and then come together in an Avengers like film except only it will be the X-Men film. And today we have a new report about a possible aligned up that Marvel is considering for the X-Men in the MCU. Well a recent report from Dave Hargrave name dropped several mutants that we can expect to see in the MCU some familiar some not so familiar.
Archangel |
That Marvel Studios is plans for the X-Men are in the earliest stages of development. According to our sources, they are currently looking at the initial lineup of the X-Men to include:
Cyclops |
Marvel girl
Thunderbird |
Nightcrawler |
Sunspot |
Havok |
Storm |
Storm is going to be from Wakanda. According to this report. Marvel wants an All New - All Different approach at least somewhat compared to what FOX did for so long with the X-Men. The president of Marvel Studios is looking at focusing on the team as a school with some students joining Professor X on missions While others still studied and training essentially a "Hogwarts for Mutants". Now, although this is in very early development and there is no concrete plans right now, no script written or anything. The next part could be a potential spoiler. So proceed at your own will.
X-MEN uncanny |
The seriousness of what Professor Xavier school does and what the X-Men do is brought to surface when *Spoiler Alert*
Thunderbird is killed during a mission. As no scripts have been written as of yet. There's only brainstorming and discussions at this point. But this is reportedly where they are at present time. Kevin feige name-dropped mutants at San Diego Comic-Con of 2019. So we know that they are definitely already brainstorming on what to do with the X-Men for next 10 years. Now in this report does mention Professor Xavier and his school and if we have his school in the MCU, that means we're going to have many many different mutants what this lineup implies is that these are the characters that are actually going to make up the X-Men team.
Kevin Fiege |
The team that goes out and does missions together just as the report stated a little bit unexpected, but that's what Kevin feige is going to want to do. To bring in some of the lesser-known X-Men and bring them to the big screen and some of the bigger ones are unfortunately going to take a seat back for a little bit. So the FOX's X-Men films can die down.
Brotherhood of Mutants |
Another report from Dave says that Magneto will eventually come and be the villain but also will eventually go on to lead the X-Men against Dr. Doom but in this report, he does state that this is going to be several several years down the road most likely not until the next Avengers in game level event and that's because most of the movies that fox did Earning the X-Men had Magneto in it his character and other main characters need to cool down a bit until they come into the MCU. However, they are keeping characters like Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Storm and storm is the second thing that this report talks about that is really really big because her story is going to tie the MCU together in a really big way.
Storm and t'challa AKA black panther have a very long history together in the comics and their story. Actually leads up to the Avengers vs. X-Men.
Black Panther & Storm Wedding |
Black Panther and Storm both actually meet when they are young children when they meet for the very first time Auroro was in Cairo and her parents were killed which left her alone wandering the desert. She eventually decides to go back to her mother's land Kenya but while on her travels she comes across T'Chala who was being kidnapped at the time. She rescues him using her whether controlling Powers. the two of them hit it off and have instant chemistry. Eventually they would grow up and black panther would go on to join the Avengers and storm would go on to join the X-Men. Eventually Black Panther decided that it was time for them to get married in 2006 and Black Panther Vo.l 4 #14 - 15. The wedding was an extremely big deal during the Civil War ceasefire event, that the X-Men the Avengers and the Fantastic Four all showed up, even though they were at odds with each other. Even the Watcher himself showed up to watch them get married. This could be an event in which we see the Avengers and the X-Men and the Fantastic Four all together for the very first time in the MCU.
MCU X-MEN Team Lineup Revealed |
However in the comics, they would eventually go on to get a divorce and this divorce was a pretty big deal because it was caused by The Avengers versus the X-Men five of the X-Men including name or would get possessed by the Phoenix force and while possessed by the Phoenix Force named more practically destroyed but condom now since storm was an X-Men during this event. She cited with the X-Men after Wakanda was destroyed. She returned to wakanda. To tell chawla that she was sorry, but he told her that he had note the wedding and he was no longer her husband. Now. This is a big deal because there's been reports that the ultimate goal for the X-Men entering. The MCU is going to be an Avengers vs. X-Men film and if marbles planning on going even just a little bit with this story storm being in the MCU is going to be a very big deal and it sounds like she's going to be part of the original MCU X-Men team.
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