Spider-Man 3: New Character Details Revealed

Ladies and Gents, we have some Spider-Man 3 news, this morning. It has kind of been a mystery. Marvel Studios hasn't really told us much and Tom Holland hasn't spoiled anything yet.

Spider-Man 3: New Character Details Revealed

But we have a little bit of news as some actors have been confirmed to be returning to Spider-Man 3. Also, it was recently announced that Spider-Man 3 got pushed back a month from November to December. Meaning, now it's having a Christmas release date which will in fact help the movie make at least a billion dollars, for sure.
Marvel and Sony have been really hush-hush about the film as far as the plot is concerned and who's going to be in it. There's plenty of speculation over the Sinister Six as well as Kraven the Hunter and of course, everybody would just love for Venom to appear in Spider-Man 3.

Sinister Six & Kraven The Hunter
Sinister Six & Kraven The Hunter

But the plot is pretty much in the air for all we know. We just know that Spider-Man is going to be on the run. But today we have a little bit of news as a few actors has been confirmed to be returning to Spider-Man 3. But first if you're new be sure to subscribe so you can stay up-to-date on all the MCU news. So right now as it stands a few characters have been confirmed to be returning to Spider-Man 3. We know that
  1. Tom Holland of course is returning as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

  2. J. Jonah Jameson & Zendaya
    Zendaya as MJ

  3. J. Jonah Jameson has spoken recently about his return as well.
  4. And then of course Zendaya will be returning as MJ but besides that not much has really known.
  5. But an exclusive report from deadline.com says Tony Ripple or who plays Flash Thompson and Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home, will be returning for the third film.
Tony Revolori returns to the MCU
Tony Revolori returns to the MCU

Now, Flash has had a pretty interesting story arc in Spider-Man: Homecoming and then in Far From Home and it's going to be even more interesting in Spider-Man 3. Of course, he was Peter Parker's bully in Homecoming. But in Far From Home, we saw him get an admiration for Spider-Man and now he knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, the kid that he used to pick on, is his Idol. So, we know that Peter is going to be on the run in Spider-Man 3 and perhaps Flash will come to respect and help him in the movie as well. An interesting thing to note about Flash Thompson that some people may not know is that in the comics he actually goes on to become Agent Venom.

Spider-Man 3 New Character
Spider-Man 3 New Character

In the comics Flash and Peter actually have a pretty good developing story arc. They start off just as we know them from the movies. Flash picks on Peter ruthlessly, but over time he actually finds out that he is Spider-Man and he begins to respect him. The two of them actually become very close. Flash would then go on to join the Army after college and unfortunately, he would ends up losing both of his legs in war. But he would kind of get his legs back by bonding with the Venom symbiote. Then he would go on to become Agent Venom one of the only characters to go on and use the Venom symbiote to do good.

The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man

Agent Venom works for the US Military and is one of the coolest versions of Venom that we see in the comics. Agent Venom debuts in Marvel Comics in issue #654 of The Qmazing Spiderman. But as far as Flash Thompson goes in the MCU, he's kind of different and the comics Flash has a big jock who's a star in the high school football team and we don't exactly see that with Flash Thompson in the MCU.

Flash Thompson
Flash Thompson

But that doesn't mean that Marvel wouldn't take the opportunity to at least briefly bond him with the Venom symbiote at some point in time and seeing as how Flash is basically in love with Spider-Man and could take the opportunity of becoming like him by bonding with the Symbiote.

Not that they would take it from Tom Hardy but we know that there are other symbiotes out there. The Venomverse with Sony is kind of bonding with the MCU. So, anything is pretty much possible at this point in time because Flash Thompson is being brought back for a pretty specific purpose whether that's just simply to be a friend to Peter Parker or whether or not he's going to end up helping Spider-Man and Peter in some way shape or form.

Agent Venom
Agent Venom

We'll have to wait and see. See, but in the meantime, this does revealed that at some point in time. He will be in contact with his friends whether that's in the beginning in the middle to ask for some help or at the end. He finally clears his name and is able to go back to living a normal life and hang out with his friends if Marvel is playing nice with Sony right now. It would be a missed opportunity to not have Agent Venom at least make a tiny Cameo at some point in time in the MCU and with Flash Thompson , returning and Spider-Man 3, it could be possible. But let us know what you think in the comments below.

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