Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again by CD Projekt Red

Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again

Well CD projekt Red announced that CYBERPUNK 2077 will be delayed again. By 21 days this time. CD projekt Red announced the new December 10th release date in a statement on Twitter; along with how we got here. 

Cyberpunk's official Tweet

Well, the biggest challenge for us right now is shipping the game. On current gen, next-gen and PC at the same time. Which requires us to prepare and test 9 versions of it.

Gameplay by CD Projekt Red
Gameplay by CD Projekt Red

The statement continues on pointing out that they said they achieved gold Master a while back and clarified while that's absolutely true going gold does mean that the game is ready and has all its content, but that that's where they start working on improvements from the day one.

Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again
Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again

Ultimately CD projekt points out that time period is utilized, making necessary improvements and "Raising the quality bar" as the cause for the delay. Obviously, yes, I am bummed but I don't know. We've been kind of desensitized to these delays, at this point. I mean, this is the fourth date, we've been given for Cyberpunk. Strating from April 16th, September 17th, November 19th, and now December 10th.

But these things happen. I think what I'm most worried about is that every time this game has been delayed my anticipation grows a bit more.

Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

This brings me to my final point and I say this knowing that there is no way CD projekt Red wants to keep pushing their game back or anything, but I kind of just wish they 'd delay the game till like April of next year and then move it up whenever it's done. Instead of these many delays, but what do I know? I'm not a developer.
CD projekt Red, whenever your game comes out, we'll wait for th exciting play.
Tell us how excited you are about Cyberpunk 2077, in the comments below.

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